
To guarantee a dancer’s placement in a class or classes, a non-refundable $30 registration fee is required.


Those on the monthly payment plan must pay tuition by the 10th of each month. However, for the month of May, students’ accounts must be paid in full and be in good standing 3 days prior to the dress rehearsal in order for the student to participate in the rehearsal and the recital.
You may choose to pay by the semester to receive a discount.
Late fees: Any late payments will result in a $10 late fee per month.
Returned checks: A $25 chargeback fee will be applied to any returned check.
Monthly tuition is not prorated according to how many weeks or holidays fall in a month. However, MAKEUP classes are available. Check with your teacher to find a comparable class or try something new.

Costume Fees

All costume fees are due by the 10th of November. Costumes vary in price. Statements will be handed out in September noting how much that class’ costume price is. Costumes arrive in the Spring and accounts must be in good standing in order for costume(s) to be disbursed.


Regular attendance is beneficial to the student. Irregular attendance without good reason could jeopardize a student’s participation in the Annual Recital.
Missed classes due to illness, absences, and holidays may be made up in another class. Please speak with your teacher to find the appropriate MAKEUP class.

Dance Attire

Ballet – Black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes.
KinderKapers – Black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes.
Tap – Any color leotard, form-fitting dance wear, tights or leggings, and black tap shoes.
Jazz – Any color leotard, form-fitting studio wear, tights or leggings, and black jazz shoes.
Lyrical – Any color leotard, form-fitting dance wear, tights or leggings, no shoes required.
Contemporary – Any color leotard, form-fitting studio wear, tights or leggings, no shoes required.
Choreography – Any color leotard, tights, no shoes required.
Conditioning – Form-fitting studio wear and a yoga mat.
Hip Hop – Form fitting clothing (no jeans) and sneakers.

Dancewear for sale at the studio includes:
Black leotards, pink and tan tights, ballet/jazz/tap shoes, T-Shirts in Adult and Child sizes, and SDSD dance bags.


Please do not park in Dr. Bryant’s parking lot next door.